Parent Guidance and Workshops

Parent Guidance and Workshops

Parents are the most important caregivers in a child's life. By empowering parents with the necessary skills, many problems are resolved early, therapy is more effective and children develop healthy self-esteem. I equip parents with skills in listening and affirming, boundary setting, understanding family personalities and communication, relationship building during the different developmental stages and I provide information on what children are realistically capable of during the different developmental stages.

This also includes parent guidance for young adults (20-25 years) as the human brain (frontal lobe) does not stop developing until the mid-twenties. As the frontal lobe houses the executive functions (decision-making, impulse control etc.) this means that parents are still needed to supervise or mediate the development of their young adult 'children'. Individual sessions can be arranged or parents can attend one of the specialised workshops. Specialised workshops are thematic and can be arranged for a specific group of parents if requested.

Some examples of workshops offered are: Parenting Children in Foundation Phase/Primary School/High School/Matric/University, Parenting children with learning difficulties. Parenting gifted children, Family personalities and Communication, Managing anxious children, and Parenting children with auto-immune disorders.

Please contact us for information on forthcoming workshops.